Don't you just love romance?
"Three friends join their love stories to create a romantic magic that is both beguiling and whimsical."


1. No baby mama drama, no drugs, and no bang bang shoot'em up. Just boy meets girl, good old sexual tension, and sweet romance like the great American love story should be told.

2. No, this is no ordinary tale. Written in acts and scenes, each scene is written with a particular girl in mind and they may cross over and join one another. The main characters have their special avatars and each couple has a theme/favorite song. Watch for the signs and the road will be easy to travel. I hope you enjoy it.

IN LOVE WITH ROMANCE?? Check out When Clouds Touch


Buy Your Sweet Romance Here

Just a note, buying directly from me gives more royalties to me, the author and discounts for bulk purchases. Simply sign-in as a guest and buy from me or your favorite online store. Featured in the USAToday HEA Column and reviewed in the Recommended Read section. "Tripping Prince Charming- A Romance of S{h}orts" by Ey Wade on Ganxy

Love of True Romance Rests Between Covers~Tripping Prince Charming

Tripping Prince Charming received a new review and I love it:♡♡ 

As the title suggests, this book is a twist on the traditional fairy tale. A trio of best friends form their teenage years have not yet connected with Mr. Right. The characters are portrayed with insight, candor and often humour, making this a fun read even though romance is not my genre of choice.
Wade has chosen a unique presentation for the triple story with suggestions for music and some illustrations. It’s different but it adds an interesting element to the flow of the book.
We begin in the middle, sort of, as each of the trio discovers that their Mr. Right has reached their point of no return leaving the young women bereft and wondering what went wrong.
Then Wade takes on the journey of what brought them to that point. And how the three friends relate to each other will take you back to your own “best” friendships, the kind we all want. Some of the most humorous parts of the story happens between the trio as they commiserate over their missteps in their attempts to “trip prince charming”.
But wait. I did say this was a fairy tale, right? Wade makes skillful and entertaining work of telling the misadventures on the way to happy ever after.
This book is unusual in a number of ways: the “triple” romances, the presentation order and style, and the ending. If you like fairy tales but think you’ve outgrown them give this little gem a try. I did and I’m not sorry.
(I received a free copy for an honest review)  

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