Don't you just love romance?
"Three friends join their love stories to create a romantic magic that is both beguiling and whimsical."


1. No baby mama drama, no drugs, and no bang bang shoot'em up. Just boy meets girl, good old sexual tension, and sweet romance like the great American love story should be told.

2. No, this is no ordinary tale. Written in acts and scenes, each scene is written with a particular girl in mind and they may cross over and join one another. The main characters have their special avatars and each couple has a theme/favorite song. Watch for the signs and the road will be easy to travel. I hope you enjoy it.

IN LOVE WITH ROMANCE?? Check out When Clouds Touch


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Scenes From a Break Up- Part 3 Franklin & Carmella #romance #romanceinblack #amreading

Interlude Stay-Scenes of a Breakup

 Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, misunderstandings can cause heartache. It is the hope in the ones we love, the belief in the relationship we thrive for, that will illuminate and correct the problem in the end. Musical Selection:"Stay" by Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko

Scene 3

 Carmella: Devastated and heart broken follows her dream as he prepares to leave her for good.

Franklin climbed into the driver's seat of his car and pulled the door shut before rolling down the window. He'd walked out of Carmella's house and hadn't turned back as she called out behind him. He was tired. For weeks they'd dated or rather met each other around town because Carmella wasn't sure she could trust him yet.

He watched her as she approached slowly, her fingers twisting and untwisting around and into each other, bottom lip pouting and trembling, a solitary tear resting on the tip of her lower lashes. This was the hardest thing he'd ever done in life, but it had to be done. As much as he wanted to grab her up and hold her in his arms, he had to back away and let her figure out what she wanted with her future. He could no longer pretend he didn't care as much as he really did. Stifling his urges, his passion, his love, was breaking his heart. He had to call the relationship off. ~

Carmella heard the words Franklin was saying, but couldn't comprehend. She could see his lips moving, but her mind was blocking out her ability to put the sentences in any logical context. What was he saying? She shook her head to clear the fog, but it didn't help. She no more wanted to hear him than she wanted to hear what he was saying. Was he really saying they should break-up?

 "What are you saying?" Her voice came out in barely a whisper. "I'm saying this is not working for me. I can't keep coming here day in and out and not know how I will find you. What frame of mind will you be in? Will you love me or will you push me away? I can't take it anymore. I can't be the toad you kick around because you aren't ready to have a prince in your life. I've been telling you this for days now. Call me when you're ready to stop thwarting my every effort to make this relationship work. Carmella watched as he drove off slowly. So slow, she could have run after him and stopped him. She could have reached out and grabbed the door handle before he left the drive. When the brake lights brightened she released her breath, so sure he was returning, only to catch her breath again at the sight of a squirrel darting safely between the tires as he drove out of sight. She pressed her palm to her chest in the hope of steadying her aching heart.

Tears rolled down her face as she whispered softly to the empty sky, "I want you to stay."

Scenes of a Break Up-Part 1- Lillie-Rose & Nathaniel-
Scenes of a Break Up- Part 2- Ivy & Bernard


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    Anonymous said...

    Lovely excerpt.
    I love 'Stay' ...
    particularly, "Funny you're the broken one, but I'm the only one who needed saving ..."

    Ey Wade said...

    I know, right. That's a part that sticks in my mind, too.
    The song is what inspired me to write the scenes.
    Thank you so much for stopping by.

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