Don't you just love romance?
"Three friends join their love stories to create a romantic magic that is both beguiling and whimsical."

Ey Wade's~ Tripping Prince Charming


1. No baby mama drama, no drugs, and no bang bang shoot'em up. Just boy meets girl, good old sexual tension, and sweet romance like the great American love story should be told.

2. No, this is no ordinary tale. Written in acts and scenes, each scene is written with a particular girl in mind and they may cross over and join one another. The main characters have their special avatars and each couple has a theme/favorite song. Watch for the signs and the road will be easy to travel. I hope you enjoy it.

IN LOVE WITH ROMANCE?? Check out When Clouds Touch


Buy Your Sweet Romance Here

Just a note, buying directly from me gives more royalties to me, the author and discounts for bulk purchases. Simply sign-in as a guest and buy from me or your favorite online store. Featured in the USAToday HEA Column and reviewed in the Recommended Read section. "Tripping Prince Charming- A Romance of S{h}orts" by Ey Wade on Ganxy

Once Upon a Time Three Little Girls Thought They Could Trip Prince Charming

Here's your chance to get an inside look at the lives of the characters. Acts and Scenes to wake your appetite. Content Page Small vignettes (pictures) are used to denote the main character of each scene to help you follow along.   Pop Gardiner (a fixture throughout the story) Interlude: STAY -Scenes of a Breakup Act 1-Love Me, Love Me Not Scene 1--  Ivy Gardiner-Thorn in My Pocket Scene 2  Carmella Candy- The Cooking...
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Tripping Prince Charming is a Friday Feature. 3 determined women.3lovestruck fellows and 1 epic #romance

Guess where the guys from Tripping Prince Charming are today- visiting with Tee Garner on her blog. Franklin and Bernard are sharing their feelings and it's so revealing. Pop over, take a peek and share some love with Tracee. Be sure to read some of her other features and check out her book...
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One Stop Purchase of Tripping Prince Charming by Ey Wade #romance #marketing #buynow

***READ THE FULL POST. Just a note, buying directly from me gives discounts for bulk purchase and more royalties to me-the author. Simply sign in as a guest and buy from there. Tripping Prince Charming is no ordinary tale. Formatted in acts and scenes, each scene is written with a particular girl in mind and they may cross over and join one another to tell their stories. The main characters have their special avatars and each couple...
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The Best Love Stories Are Wrapped in Bundles 1book 3novels 5 #romance

Wrap yourself in a Holiday-Ever-After-Bundle-Love-ebook 3 novels 5 women 5 challenges 5 happily ever after  IN PRINT 1 BOOK 3 FULL NOVELS 5 Until January 6th.  D.N.A.-NOTHING WOULD EVER BE THE SAME Debney's world falls apart on her 18th birthday when she discovers everything she thought she knew about herself is a lie. Now it's a race to find out what happens first - graduation...
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Tears Among Friends ~Tripping Prince Charming~ Ey Wade. #romance “I just want someone to jerk my ignorant head off & tell me what to do."

Carmella stood a few more minutes staring into the empty street, before pulling her phone from her pocket. She couldn’t believe Franklin had broken up with her. She needed to talk to Ivy, but before she could dial her cousin's number, the phone rang. It was Lillie-Rose, crying her heart out. While trying to comfort her and find out the problem, Ivy buzzed into the call, inserting her into the conversation by three-way; Carmella was disconcerted...
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Who Controls the Path of #Romance? Tripping Prince Charming~ 3 loves/3stories

Nothing hurts worse than when a relationship ends. Except when you could've avoided it. FRANKLIN: He watched her as she approached slowly, her fingers twisting and untwisting around and into each other, bottom lip pouting and trembling, a solitary tear resting on the tip of her lower lashes. This was the hardest thing he’d ever done in life, but it had to be done. As much as he wanted to grab her up and hold her in his arms, he...
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You Can Lead a White Horse...Interview With Guys From Tripping Prince Charming #romance #thingslegendsaremadeof

You can lead a white horse to the castle,  but it doesn't mean the drawbridge will be let down. Ey, here. I thought I would share the interview from IN THE CHAIR , over here. I don't know how familiar you are with the romance of Tripping Prince Charming, but it is the tale of three women,  feed  up with love stories and the three men in pursuit of them. Today our interview will be with the guys from Tripping Prince Charming....
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